Perfect Circle
So often, I have heard the clause 'life turned a full circle' used to refer someone returning to do something done long ago, after trying various options - or, simply, returning to the same point after a long journey. Why circle ? Why not a square or a rectangle or a triangle, which are also closed geometric figures in which we can return to starting point ? This thought was crossing my mind as I was helping my mom in the kitchen , making some chapathis . Now, my mom had taught me the how to 'roll' chapathis in a shape closest to the ' full circle' many many years ago when I was in school. I was very enthusiastic to make them as a kid and the reward i used ask was that I would eat the very same chapathi I made - an easy task since it was the most skewed and shapeless one amidst a pack of 'full circle ' chapathis . Reality was no one else could eat it, but my mom was still proud of what I used to make, as a little boy. As I was making them, I realiz...