
A genius is 1 % inspiration and 99 % perspiration - Thomas Edison.
Nature , I guess is 1 % inspiration and 99 % perfection !!.
As I was driving through the pictursque route 1 by the side of the pacific, I found myself pulling over and stopping many times to admire the sea, mountains , the clouds and the tiny beaches .
As I was driving through the pictursque route 1 by the side of the pacific, I found myself pulling over and stopping many times to admire the sea, mountains , the clouds and the tiny beaches .
They were simply spectacular !! There are moments when language seems to fail and adjectives fall short of describing how we feel - Those moments when we wish we could freeze time !! The moment when nothing else seems to matter!! The Instance when the baggage of past, fear of future vanish and we are completely connected and become one with the moment in hand - What Eckhart Tolle describes as 'absolute connection with the present moment' !

God must be an artist, scientist and a perfectionist when he created these gorgeous pieces of nature and put them together to weave this small planet. It is fitting that these mountains and oceans came to this planet before animals and humans !! The oceans and mountains don t try to be anything else, they don t compete with anyone for anything and just be themselves for millions of years.
This spot was attracting those who drove on this route like magnet attracting Iron !!. Travellers could not resist stopping their vehicles and taking pictures and very soon, the parking space ran out !!

I felt inspired and at the same time, humbled to drive through this great route. There is never lack of beauty - only lack of vision !! If only we can be open to the little yet powerful lessons nature teaches us all the time - the most profound of them to be oneself, I guess we could have seen more geniuses with 1 % inspiration plus 99 % inspiration, totalling to perfection !!
I would be most fortunate if I do happen to inspire others, a long way to go though !!