Beyond the obvious....
Almost all my friends and colleagues agree with each other on this one - Dash is a nice guy. Now what exactly does that mean ? I have heard nice guys finish last. I have not always finished last , but I am one of the best examples of Martina Navratilova s famous quote ' Nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with a lot of talent '. That is very unlike me !! Yes, I never said anything nice about myself so far , except cracking some jokes about myself. So, if you are one of the members of the endangered species who reads my blog, you do deserve to know more of myself - I probably killed you by not opening up at all and bottling up my thoughts. So here it goes... 1. I am driven a lot by fear. It is an emotion that overwhelms me all the time. I fear change, I fear new people, new work, anything new. I fear hurting or displeasing others. I fear disagreeing with anyone. I have learnt to handle fear much better of late, but my fear for everything has stopped me from achieving...