Payback Time

How wonderful are those moments when we give our parents something to be thrilled about ?

My Mom and Dad filled my school days with so many thrills and sweet things. How wonderful to recollect them !! I still remember my Dad taking me to his office to teach me how to use the 'Telephone'. Now, in 1981, not every house had a phone. It looked and sounded like a monster. We did not have one - still, my dad took me to his office on a sunday afternoon just to teach me how to talk on the phone. I was thrilled when I heard his voice in that instrument " Hello, Yaar Pesaradhu ? Dhas a ? "
My Mom would wait for me at the spot where my school van would drop me - The hitch was that my school van had no predictable time. Yet, she was there, just to make me smile - make me feel thrilled !! I was an awfully bad communicator, but my joy would express itself in screaming sounds and words that had no meaning in any language.

These are just couple of examples. They have made me feel thrilled so many times in my boyhood days.

Last Friday, I heard that thrill from my parents on phone . The reason was fairly trivial, but the feeling was experienced across 12 time zones. My parents were approved for a visitor visa by the US embassy. Now, every other software pro has brought his parents to the US and it is no big deal these days, but to my Mom, she spoke like a child. She was so happy she would be travelling abroad soon. And for once, my dad expressed his joy in many words. How nice to be a source of joy to them. It was perhaps, payback time. And as the Ad goes
" Tickets to Disney for two - 150 $.
Watching your Mom and Dad become children again - Priceless !! "


Meena said…
Very sweet. I know how it feels.
Have a blast hosting your parents!
salurocks said…
Touchin one ANNAA!! very happy for you and your folks :-) hope to see some snaps very soon :-)
Meena, Sals - Thanks a lot for the nice words. Will definitely share my happiness with you when my parents visit US

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