
For most of us - I could confidently say all of us, our first idols are our parents. If you had siblings, the eldest is probably the next idol. As we grow like birds and learn to flap wings, our idols stretch out of the nest. Someone makes a mark.... and stays the same. I am not sure how many recollect your first idol outside your family

For someone with a memory like mine, no effort is needed. Actress Srividhya won my admiration. In my own childish innocence, I thought she was actually sitting behind the screen and singing the song 'Ezhu Swarangalukkul ethanai paadal' in the opening scene of the movie Apoorva Ragangal[1975].

What an impact !! I was captivated by everything from the first scene. The playback singer of that song [Vani Jayaram ] would become my favourite singer and every letter of the song would stay in my memory for ever !! Till date, I wonder whether it was Vani or Vidya who fascinated me first !! This is infact, the oldest episode I can ever recollect in my life - The evening I watched this movie in the hamlet 'Vadalur'.

A trained dancer and vocal singer, Srividya discovered her purpose in acting. Her eyes charmed everyone and stood out as the most expressive feature. Stunningly beautiful, she was in many ways art walking in feminine form. Her life started as a breeze and soon faced storms, but her grace ,exquisiteness and the captivating smile never faded one bit.

Idols associate themselves with a word for me. The moment I think of Srividya, I associate beautiful eyes, a charming smile and the grace , dignity with which she conducted herself amidst some very trying circumstances.

I now recollect that I never compared anyone with her. Perhaps my mind thought she was beyond comparison. Our First Idols have no companions - No wonder someone said it is lonely to be No 1 in anything - even an idol.

This blog is dedicated this great artist - dancer, singer, actor and above all, a woman who was as strong yet delicate, tough yet sensitive, artistic yet realistic, brought a sense of dignity and grace in every action of hers.

First Idols are always special :). They have no competetion and leave an imprint in our heart that stays forever.


Unknown said…

was reading thru ur posts.. good writing...
liked a lot. I actually read thru all the posts on the display page..
Gr8!Have a nice time living life to the fullest.
Unknown said…
Dash, its me ayesha , remember, orgot to post my name.
Ayesha, Thanks a ton. Very nice of you to take the time to read through them all.
Hope life is treating you well and the kids are keeping you happy and fulfiiling . :)


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