Energy Levels

A friend of mine posted an interesting question in FB a few days back - Is Self motivation learnt or inherent ? Probably, it applies to every virtue that we can think of. Take enthusiasm and energy levels in a person. Are we born with it ? Or do we learn over our course of life that it pays to be energetic and enthusiastic in life ?

My mom travelled for 22 hours and had not slept for 36 hours continuously when she landed in San Francisco last thursday. It was another two hours before she reached home. She is 67. I was feeling so bad for making her go through this gruelling journey. Within minutes, she freshened up and made her way to her world [ the kitchen ] and took stock. Ten minutes and she had a list of things to be bought and she was ready to go out and get them.

Now, this levels of energy is amazing. I don t even have on percent of this energy levels. I am very lazy, tend to postpone things and I am almost always fighting fire at work. So much so that at the end of day, I just want to relax . Many times I end up much behind how I started the day.
And my energy levels do not seem to match the requirements to deal with them.

Truth is that I am very comfortable with my own lethargy and slow, easy going approach at work. I become the bottleneck many times, but I take work at my own pace. Call it intransigence, but this mismatch of energy levels causes may disappointments and miscommunications at work.

Why am I so lethargic ? I am very enthusiastic when I am with my friends. Can I learn to be more energetic ? Or is it something inherent and I am better off accepting it as it is rather than stress myself trying to change it ? I do not know the answers, but I can see a big mismatch in the energy levels of people I meet and myself and very often, the vast differences bring a smile on my face. :)


salurocks said…
Well thatz surprisin to know you are lethargic.. coz I always thought you were pretty enthused of everything you do.. guess with friends you aren't really lethargic ;-)!!! I would say it would be more of a smirk than a smile when you see all of us rushin and you are at your own pace :P
Meena said…
Yeah dont put down yourself so much man. You are full of energy and probably in a diff zone might not be in the kitchen.. might be in coming up with killer ideas in a product or something along the lines of your interests. So it differs from people to people and we shouldnt peg ourselves and have a benchmark so tough for ourselves. So relax and enjoy mom's food and you deserve it.

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