Work is Worship....

Ah !! Work !! Deadlines, slogging, stress, long hours, that eerie feeling of overworked and underpaid and unrewarded !!! sounds familiar ? Noone escapes it - Somebody s ambition translates into more work for many. Someone wants to add a successful deal to his resume and it ends up burining out so many people s happiness [ down the hierarchy, of course - the last one is affected the most !!]

Despite knowing that the deadline is aggressive, commitments are made - only for reality to stare at face soon. Running at top speed to just catch up, stress takes over and overwhelms you completely !!

OH yeah !! don t we all take pride at being so busy ? 'No time, too much work !! ' is a statement that never seems to go out of fashion. Make it a point to let everyone know how much you are drowning in work, not having time to invest in personal life and still, accept the last minute change request.

I m not being cynical - most of it is actually true - which is the real problem. I was wondering what am I trying to prove ? More importantly, what am I doing , overworking for the last one month, not being able to take my parents out even during weekends....? Why did work become so one dimensional that I feel I cannot fail ?

How I wish I had the courage to walk towards what is closer to my heart ? Some day, somewhere, somehow, I hope I can make a difference in the life of children who are less privileged. Less of work and more of passion !! :)


P-2 Student said…
Yes, Dhas. You hit the nail on its head. The kind of monotonous work to meet a deadline that keeps changing everytime you seem to near it, the daily changing needs of the customer, the eternal profitability vs quality mousetrap game and the series continues.

Even when you win the rat race, you are still a rat !!
Absolutely, Amaruvi. I can t help smiling when people run triumphant and celebrate after winnning a rat race...forgetting the fact that we are still rats :)

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