Setting the clock back....

What happens when you hear or meet someone after eleven long years ? Do you still connect the same way ? I met my school friends after 17 years and hit off from the first second.

Today, I met JK, my classmate in MBA , after more than a decade.

Jayakrishnan [ JK, as we used to call him !!] is still the mountain of information he was during my college days. Amazing knowledge of companies, their products, their strenghts, as before. Crystal clear analysis of world economy, its perils, what India should do and not do to deal with China... JK did not change one bit from what he was during my college days. Of course, he was wiser and just like yours truly, had a receding hairline and expanding waistline. But, the connection was just as perfect.

Our quest for information connected us then . It is still a factor that kept us involved for six long hours this evening. As during our college days, this was unplanned as well and it just happened when JK was browsing our group mails.

Thank heavens, he decided to look at group mails. He gave me that unparalleled feeling of revisiting a bond that was forged much before we became the globe trotting, ever working, technology professional - much before i saw the money and the world.

There is something special about the bonds and friendships we create in our first 25 years. What is so special ? Formed at a time when our character is shaped and when we are still under the grip of childhood innocence and adoloscent zeal, these friendships are totally void of pretensions and 'air'. We laughed, joked and behaved like college kids until 9 PM - when we both took our 'offshore' calls [ Yes the week begins at 9 PM sunday for most desi techies in this side of the world].

I do hope to revisit many more of those wonderful friendships - as many as I can get a chance...


salurocks said…
Way to go Annaa!!! Now i see thy enlightened too ;-)
Meena said…
hmm come to think of how it was with us back from jawahar - we never connected during those days but booom! the day we met in Dec 2007 - we all connected and bonded? how do you explain that?
Sals - Thanks - bit of it flowed from you, i guess.

Meena - Yes - we hit off right away. It still amazes me we never spoke at school and still, we connected so well. I should say though I was 34 in Dec 2007, I felt like 17 :) The years went away, but i still felt like we were in school that day in Dec 2007

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